MasterPo says: This blog is about topics and issues that are of importance to me. I am not one of the countless blogging lemmings that are tripping over each other scurrying down the hill and off the cliff of blogging oblivion trying to write the greatest blog on the latest topic de'jour. Your comments are welcome.

October 11, 2008

Food or Fuel? (The Ethics of Alternative Fuels)

Ethanol, biodiesel, etc. All from food sources. Corn, soy, sugar etc.

I think it's great that we can make fuel from these plants. More proof of American ingenuity and creativity.

But should we?

With all the talk of alternative and renewable foods there's one topic that has escaped discuss but is so critical to the issue: What are ethical and moral implications of turning human food into fuel when we are not even close to running out of oil?

As the pundits and media at large are so fond of pointing out there are millions of people (including children) in the country and the world at large who are hungry. Yet we are diverting good edible food from hungry people to make fuel while there still is plenty of petroleum in the world.

So where are the advocates for children?
Where are the advocates for the starving?
Why aren't they complaining about this?

If all the world's oil was gone, then I'd say that's a point. But it's not. Estimates run at least another 100 years supply based on what is known to exist (and more is being discovered almost every day!). Hardly a shortage crisis.

So why literally the mad rush to take food out of people's mouths to make fuel?

As a statement of American technology and industry it's wonderful.As a political and economic message to the oil countries of the world that we can get by without them I'd say the message has been sent loud and clear.

So why keep pushing it? To spread unnecessary misery?

Sometimes it seems one of the key goals of global warmers and greenies is to hurt people just because. There can be no other logical reason to taking food away from people when there is still a well known, easily obtained and still plentiful supply of petroleum in the world.

Tell Al Gore to go on a diet.

MasterPo says: If you enjoyed this article make sure to subscribe in a reader (one of the last good free things in life!)


Anonymous said...

The corn used to make ethanol isn't edible, it's the same corn used to make corn syrup. So increased ethanol production may lead to decreased corn syrup production which may lead to increased prices of soda and candy... I don't see the connection between starving children and ethanol :P

MasterPo said...

Be it corn even for sweeteners, or soy beans or sugar etc. - the whole concept of use a food crop for fuel instead of feeding people is inherently unethical.